About SÝKORA sportwear s.r.o
We are dynamic, constantly improving and looking for new opportunities in what we are doing. Same as you.
The main activity for us is the production of custom cycling clothing and accessories for teams and individuals. These are especially cycling jerseys, shorts, vests, jackets, overalls and various sleeves. But we are also able to make clothes for other team sports.
Naše dílna disponuje strojovým
Our workshop has the highest level of machine equipment, including special machines for flatlock seams and sublimation printing technology. The production also includes its own design studio. As a result, we are able to offer our customers comprehensive solutions in the execution of their orders and non-standard requirements.
Our company is also searched by customers from neighboring countries such as Slovakia, Austria, Germany and others.

Teams and athletes in our jerseys:
Podporujeme a oblékáme několik cyklistických týmů, např. Dukla Praha, Nutrend Specialized Racing, Favorit Brno, Superior MTB Team, GT Oportunity Brno, Kellys Bikeranch team, Kolokrám a jiné. Podporujeme ale i jednotlivce, za všechny jmenujme paralympijské reprezentanty Jirku Ježka a Iva Koblasu. Díky spolupráci s týmy a jednotlivci máme možnost testovat nové materiály a střihy přímo v terénu, ladit detaily a neustále se posouvat ve své práci dál.

What we offer:
- quality materials from leading European manufacturers
- precise processing
- maximální vstřícnost k požadavkům zákazníka
- individual approach
- serious conduct
One of the advantages of our company is the maximum effort for product quality. In our work we are interested in more than 25 years of experience and knowledge in the field. We use only the best European materials for production. We strive for maximum friendliness and precision in dealing. We prefer personal contact when we are able to offer a complete range, advise, recommend and meet the requirements according to the latest trends in the production of cycling suits and other sportswear.

Our company was officially established in 1991 under the name Dagmar Sýkorová-Sýkora. However, before 1989, the first products, such as shoe covers, sleeves, jerseys and others, all of course amateur and on the knee, came into being. This was done for well-known reasons - from the lack of this range on the market. In 2009, the company was renamed to SÝKORA sportswear s.r.o, and in recent years, the abbreviated name SKR, which now appears primarily in our collection together with the oval logo of the titmouse.
Since 1991 a very long time has passed. Gradually, we have been improving cycling depresses and other products to the present form, when we compare to world brands. However, we are constantly striving to improve and offer our customers the best. We follow world trends and try new materials and combinations.
We believe that if you decide for production of your sportswear in our company, you will be extremely satisfied.